
What is going on with me?  I have been crying on and off all day today.  I have been feeling better since starting the lithium last month and I see my pdoc tomorrow.  I am hoping that I got approved for the Cymbalta so I can stop these crying jags.  It feels so refreshing to be able to get my emotions out, but I keep crying at seemingly nothing… or laundry commercials.  I just want my emotions to shut up again.  I feel like I am losing it.

And I found myself dissociating today while driving…which is really dangerous and scary.  I dunno maybe I was just on auto-pilot and am taking it more seriously that it was.  I just know that I lost about 3 minutes and had to orient myself as to where I was and where I was going.

I suppose there is always the possibility that the lithium is starting to cause cognitive issues.  I’m just tired of feeling.  I want my numb back.

And now, I leave you with a song completely not related, just what happens to be playing at the moment:

~ by Aurora Phoenix on May 2, 2011.

3 Responses to “Crying?”

  1. with the warmer weather and being on Lithium which is a salt please be sure to drink enough fluids to stay hydrated.

    • we live in CA where the weather is currently an average of 70 degrees during the day so luckily don’t have to worry too much about the heat like i did when we lived in S. Florida

  2. I get as well into crying fazes, can be pretty much exhausting.

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